Sunday, April 3, 2011

My little boy is 5!!!!!!!!

I can not believe that 5 precious years have gone by since I officially became a mother! I am so amazed at the graciousness of our Lord. He has blessed me with 3 precious boys and today we celebrated
Josiah's  #5!!!
  • He loves to talk-you can not shut him up!!!!!!
  • He is super smart.
  • He talks big and brave, but most of the time he is really just a timid little boy.
  • He loves spiderman!
  • He love chocolate milk...I mean LOVES IT!!!
  • He is a lover of gifts and loves to give them too!
  • He loves animals, bugs and anything that moves!
  • He has his daddy's memory....all the random things are stuck in his steal trap! 
  • He loves his family and his bird-zhige (pronounced "jig-guh").
So many more special things I could write, but it would take forever to do that, so I will spare you all!    
I can remember when I was a new mom and everyone would tell me that it goes by so does. I can remember everyone always telling me that I will be so sad when they start to grow up...I am, a little. I am excited to see the child he has become. I am LOVING hearing his heart turning more towards the Lord each day. I cannot wait till that day he chooses and understands what it means to follow Christ.
I feel older, because I am, but I feel wiser, because I am growing in the Lord. I love what the Father has taught me through being a mother. He has taught me how to depend on Him and trust Him, because He can and will take better care of them than I ever will. And He has continued to show Himself faithful!
I am excited about the years to come! My prayer is that my sons would become Lovers of Christ and His word. I pray that their hearts would be guarded from the evil one and always be open to the Father.
I pray that the Lord would continue to give me strength and patience to be a mom and raise them to love Him.
My little Jo Jo is a sponge. I am constantly reminded that my every move is being watched and imitated. This humbles me and continues to keep me on my guard with how I live, what I speak and using every opportunity to teach my sons.
I am often reminded of proverbs and how many times we are exhorted to teach our children wisdom.
Prov. 8:32-33 says: "And now, O sons, listen to me: blessed are those who keep my ways. 33 Hear instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it." Here we see that we must know it in order to teach it. 
Do you know the word enough to teach your children it? Do you live it out? Are your actions reflecting the words that come from your lips?
I want to encourage you to seek and know the scriptures.  Use every opportunity to teach your children the truth. 
It is true they grow up so fast, so redeem the time. Fulfill the duty and job that the Lord has given you as a parent. They are our most important disciples. Train them up to be "little Christ's" by living it out in your own life! Know the Word and Live it out!

(Now, I wanted to put up some pics from Josiah's birthday party, but I can't get the photos to upload. So, I will have to make another post!)